So Ava and I are in training to spread the HELLO-positive energy
out in the world, well at least here, in the South Bay world (Hermosa,
Manhattan, Redondo and surrounding areas).
I think too many people have forgotten to look into a stranger and say
hello/good day/good morning/etc. Ava is taking a bit of a different approach
and becoming a bit flirtatious, such as trying literary hug, give kisses. Being
a Btch, she is not acting like one. So with this new Hello-approach, she has
become a popular doggy and getting to kiss few hotties out there. So, more
motivation for me to follow up and reach out with my Hellos. So, here we come
to get you peeps, watch out, it can be contagious. You are going to love it,
but you have to give it a try and smile back and hello in return will be even
better. I might get a bit like "Ava-excited" and give you a hug too.
Hope everyone is having a great Friday and Good Morning ;)